Browse my catalog of favourite CDs! To listen to one, click the album cover.
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Link to generate the JSON file for this list: Get Multiple Albums - Spotify. The number of albums to retrieve is limited to 20.
Featured: CDwORLD 
CDwORLD is a web clique created by the very talented human finny where members can submit their own CDs. From real albums to mixtapes and fictional albums, everything is welcomed!
Click here to access and see all the releases!
My releases:
Did you know? With the Silent Player, you can listen to some of my music playlists, enjoying full control over the reproduction. And because it runs in an independent window, you can browse the rest of the site as you keep listening. It rocks!
Click the button below to open the player. You can also access it from the navigation section in other pages of the site!
Current available mixes:
- A Lifetime Movie
- Surf And Chill
- 00s Emo
Want to get the player for your site too? You can! Visit the Webdeck Player site to learn how.
What is Empire Records?
Empire Records is a movie from 1995 about the employees of an independent music store who try to keep it from being sold to a large chain. I'm just obsessed with the vibes of this movie.
I created this webpage because I thought it would be interesting to showcase my music interests as if the visitors were walking around inside a record store. You could consider it as a shrine of the movie. I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: This webpage is not affiliated with the Empire Records movie.