silent suburbia


Link Directory


Buttons & Personal Websites

Be sure to check out these cool websites!

sweethard666 melonking sadgrl bill's world america's decline lethal compound irony machine combat baby openbooks up all night planet sarah hekate athorn's site delovely lulu lazybones BMH Online freak phone stigma cepheus omoulo rustic cyberpunk honey citron joe buck's site punkray like home inaka ratwalks humla blanket fort grauline celebrity monkey zeus human finny jutipia deviltown marea emocowboy solinus onio café melankorin toothache splinter ava's space dimden lintnaya mxbo revolution909

Cameron's World A web-collage of text and images excavated from GeoCities pages
A motherf*cking website It's a website.
The end of the Internet Willing to reach it someday!
JPEGFANTASY A Tumblr blog with stunning 80s and 90s interiors.
basicartseries Another Tumblr blog with 80s and 90s interior pictures.
Zak Koltun's Photography Photographs of American desertic landscapes, with old motels and cars.
David Sadofsky's Photography More photographs of American desertic landscapes.
Matfloor A personal site with a cool early 2000s layout

Radios and TVs

The River Radio 60s to 90s pop music.
Junction 1610 90s to 2010s pop music.
alt msx Alternative music.
My 90s TV Watch all kind of 90s videos, including videoclips (my favourites!). There are 60s, 70s, 80s, and 2000s versions as well.


Web design is now completely boring
The website obesity crisis
Rediscovering the small web
Keep the Internet weird
Plain old webpages still matter
The Haunted Web (Yesterzine article)
Digital Wellbeing (omoulo's blog)


Rock on the net: Foo Fighters Information about a great rock band!
Dawson's Creek italian fansite.
The O.C. italian fansite (the layout is so cool).

Other Sites

yesterweb zine An online magazine made by the Yesterweb community.
GUIdebook A gallery of graphical user interfaces.
Web Design Museum A museum that shows different webs of the 90s and 2000s.
The Geocities Gallery A site where you can see old Geocities pages sorted by neighborhoods.
OneDevice I want this phone so badly 😭
CARI The Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute. It features a catalog of popular aesthetics from the 70s until now.
BeepBox A tool for creating instrumental music.
Cult Sounds An interactive website which lets you explore individual sounds used in pop music since 1960.
yesterweb links The link directory of the Yesterweb community.
neocities neighborhoods A directory for Neocities websites.
delovely link directory Links to personal sites, music, reading, web resources, etc.
sadgrl link directory It contains a LOT of links.
Satrys' link forest Another bunch of links.

Web Resources


cyber dabamos 88x31 button collection
Web Badges World antipixel button collection
hekate button maker


The Icon Depot Old style icons, bars and graphics for your website.
Anthony's WWW Images Old style arrows, listing icons, buttons and more graphics for your site.
GifCities GeoCities animated GIF search engine.
ACME Label Maker Create labels like this one: example label


hekate backgrounds archive Great selection of backgrounds for tiling.